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Bulgaria, Sofia, 1000
Tsar Simeon Str. 158 At. 2
+359 /2 /437 2081

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Moscow, 123100,
2-nd Zvenigorodskaya str.
d.12 str. 1,


+7(926) 11 54 2 54
+7(915) 47 96 6 32
+7(925) 01 18 8 68
+7(499) 14 30 4 50
+7(499) 14 32 7 56

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Máquinas de elevación

Inicio » Productos » Máquinas de elevación

The Bulgarian-made cranes and hoists offered by EIM-Trade are manufactured by Podemcrane - one of the world's leading crane producers and exporters. It's products conform to the ISO 9001:2008 standards and bear the CE logo. They are carefully designed and tested for different climate zones and workloads, thus ensuring that a very broad range of customers can have their needs and requirements adequately met. Podemcrane's prodution is known since 1961 worldwide and has been successfully operating in 40 different countries in climates ranging from the Siberian colds to the Arabian summer heat. The company has exported close to 2 000 000 units throughout its history under the Podem brand, which became the world's biggest hoist manufacturer in 1975. Currently, the company is regaining its presence on the international market under a private ownership with an expanded range of products.

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